Friday, August 13, 2010

We had another ultrasound yesterday to check on our little girl's growth since the 2 previous times the ultrasound said that her due date wasn't until Oct 22nd. Well, she has caught up quite a bit and is now measuring Oct 15th! So the doc is going to keep the due date as of 10-10-10! Ha! We'll see if she really comes then. It will definitely be an easy birthday to remember. The technician also said that her legs are measuring about two weeks older than the rest of her body, and I believe it! She is definitely a mover and a kicker. :) Oh, one more good thing is that she is head least for now! So hopefully she won't surprise us by flipping around and causing me to have another c-section. I am hoping that I'll be able to have her naturally...with drugs of course! ;-) We're excited for our little girl to come!


Kyra and Ben said...

That would be an awesome birthday. She'll be one year younger than our Katelyn who was born on Oct.30. I was so scared my little girl was going to be born on Halloween and boy did she cut it close! Glad everything looks well.

Amy said... exciting!!