Monday, August 09, 2010

So we know that it has been practically forever since we've update this blog, but just so you know we have all intentions of catching least by the end of the year. ;-) In the meantime, we wanted to share our new new favorite thing...MORMON MESSAGES!!! Many of you are already probably aware of them, but they are short clips of talks given by general authorities that just hit the spot. Listening to them during lunch helps break up the monotony of the day and also gives a boost to keep fighting the good fight. The clips that hit home today were:

Come What May & Love It - Elder Wirthlin

How Do I Love Thee? - Elder Holland

Life's challenges and trials definitely make it hard to keep perspective on what truly matters, and these talks are just a few things that we can do to help make our load lighter, as well as those that we love. Enjoy!

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