Wednesday, September 15, 2010

As some of you know, our calling in our ward is the activity chair leaders. This usually isn't too bad a of calling to come up with a few activities throughout the year, but in this ward we have a ward activity EVERY MONTH! Yes, 12 activities through the year. This has made things a bit more challenging and time consuming, but there are a few activities where you have a huge turn out, mostly because of food. :) The main problem that we've had this year is that our budget is pretty tiny, but the ward has been great to sign up for sides, etc to complete the food part of the activity.

Since we are new in the ward we are finding out the "traditions". In July is a breakfast and bike parade, and in August is a ward BBQ. Everything went pretty well, even though to start off the activity we had about 20 people. It turned into at least 120 by the time we looked up again so we were happy with the turn out. The biggest success though was the snow cones. A couple on our committee has a snow cone machine, and they were very sweet to take on that task. It was a hit and is already requested for next year!

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