Thursday, December 31, 2009

4th Anniversary

Our celebrations are not quite over for the year yet. Last night we went out to enjoy 4 years of truly happy and amazing eternal marriage. It was a cold and snowy day, just like our wedding day...what were we thinking?! ;-) Our tradition thus far for our anniversary is to go to a Chinese restaurant and movie. Since we moved out to Herriman we weren't sure of any close places, so we drove around looking, but didn't find anything. So we went to a place we've been once or twice before to satisfy our Chinese craving. Honestly, the best thing that we had was their cream cheese wontons, but it was fun evening.

After we asked them to take a picture for us because it's our anniversary, the young waiter surprised us with a cheesecake on the house. It was very sweet and delicious and was a nice ending to our meal.

Then since we had a baby free night thanks to Kelly & James, we headed to the movie Avatar out at the District. We had heard great things about it, and we even forked it out to go the 3D verision.
The last time we had been to a 3D movie of any sort was in Sea World when we were dating. What a long time ago that seems. :-) It was a really good movie and a wonderful night together.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Isn't it amazing how time flies? Four years! Wow! I'm glad you two are so happy together.

How did you like Avatar? I would NEVER choose that movie by the previews but I've heard great things about it!