Wednesday, May 29, 2013


From the beginning design of our deck we always wanted a slide off of it because it was going to be so high. Well when we finished the deck last October the slide was pretty steep and the landing wasn't great, so on memorial day we finally got around to fixing it. Both home depot and lowe's were completely out of sod, so we still have to put some in to keep the tiles in place, but the kids love it! It doesn't scare them as much. Carter actually loved it so much that when he was running up the stairs to go yet again he slipped and caught the stair with his cheek and eye. It actually looks worse with each new day. Besides the slide, Carter also loves to tease Savi so on Monday he crumbled a ton of weeds that Mike had to blast out with the air compressor. Thank goodness for daily baths in the summer.  ;-)

1 comment:

Amy said...

Hahaha! Is Mike using the air compressor to blow things out of Savi's hair? Awesome! Love it!