Sunday, September 16, 2012

Deck progress!

On Saturday, Mike finished the decking on the whole top of the deck!! It is so amazing to be able to walk all over without the fear of falling through anything. Of course we can still fall off since there is no railing or stairs yet, but we are so excited with the progress! Every cut was pretty excruciating with all the angles and variables, but Mike pulled off an amazing job. Fall bbq coming soon. :)


Lorie S. said...

Looks amazing!! Good work you guys! I only have one complaint and that's that you didn't have this done to invite us for the bbq before we moved away. ;)

Emily S. said...

I am way impressed! Good Job!!

Elder Caleb Habel said...

The deck looks AMAZING! Great job, Mike!

Matt and Maggie said...

It looks beautiful, Christina! Wow. Glad your blogging app seems to work. :)

Leslie & Chris said...

That looks amazing!!! Great job guys!!!

Amy said...

Wow! It looks fantastic!! It's so nice to have a handy husband!