Friday, September 04, 2009

We slept in our house for the first time last night! Thanks again for all the help from friends and family to get the last of our stuff moved over. Wow! There is a ton to do, but we're here now so we should be able to get more done since we don't have to worry about driving home. Finally Carter can fall asleep in his crib instead of in the carseat like he has been for the last week. This is probably how things will look for awhile until we can finish sanding the glass blocks and painting, but it will be nice to just be in our home.

Everyone was so great to come back and help again tonight! We are so blessed with such great family and friends. It's been a long couple of nights, but we finally are officially moved in to 5214 Butterfield Peak Circle. We will go and clean up our apartment tomorrow, after Christina moves her office stuff into their new building. It is a crazy moving weekend, but it's nice to think that this will be our last time for quite a few years.

1 comment:

Jon & Marissa Whitehorn said...

Congrats!! It must be nice to be able to have a home of your own!