Tuesday, October 09, 2012


You know those moments when the kids are being quiet and you kinda sink into your own thing like reading, playing a game, watching a non-animated show, etc. Like many of those quiet moments you eventually realize that the kids are being too quiet, and you just cringe to see what has been keeping them so entertained. Well tonight this is what I came out to find. Stinker! She actually drew on our walls downstairs just a couple of days ago, but it rubbed right off. Tonight though it was permanent marker! I still have some scrubbing with the magic eraser to do...maybe it's just time for new countertops?   ;-)

1 comment:

Emily S. said...

Oh dear. I'm sure she was so confused... 'I know your mad, but you're taking a picture...?' I totally would have (and have done) the same. Good luck trying to get it out!