Monday, April 05, 2010

Since Christina is pregnant again, it must mean it's time to make strawberry jam! ;-) At least this time she isn't 7 months along with swollen feet. Of course we've been out of good stuff that we made about two years for awhile now, but we just haven't been able to find a delicious jam from the stores. They all seem to be off in either the taste or texture. So, at Reams on Monday they had an in-store special of a lb of strawberries for 99 cents so we took the plunge and bought 8 pkgs to make 2 batches of jam.

Making the jam actually took us 4 days to finish! The reason is because we didn't start cutting the fruit up until 8:30 on Wednesday night and then between pregnancy exhaustion and busy nights we didn't have enough time until Sunday night. It was actually kind of nice to spread the work out. That and having a great husband that cut the heads off of all the strawberries and then helped pour the hot mixture into the jars. Mike made the whole process much easier, which is a good thing since it's his fault that we got into this mess anyway. He loves toast with jam anytime of the day so this stretch of not having good jam has been hard on him. ;-)
The jam turned out perfect! All the jars sealed and the jam has good solidity to it. We might actually be making some more soon since we want to give a lot out and keep plenty for ourselves as well, but hopefully it won't take so long next time. :-)


Amy said...

Looks yummy!

Lorie S. said...

Put me on the list for that jam!! It looks delicious! When do you find out the gender of your baby?!