Sunday, April 25, 2010

4 MONTHS! The first trimester always seems to go by quick, mostly because nothing new seems to be happening. I'm one of the lucky ones that doesn't get really sick in the first trimester, although this time I did have a couple of weeks where I didn't feel great. Not enough to throw up, but just feeling like it all day long. It was hard not to tell anyone at work, but after I did announce my pregnancy some of the guys that work close to my office said that they noticed I didn't look like I felt great. So, here we are 4 months later and I've got my little baby bump started. I hope I don't gain as much weight this time around, but time will tell. I think I've felt the baby at least once for sure...I went to bed REALLY late one night and could feel some fluttering. :-) I haven't really felt the baby since, but I also haven't had time to really focus and see if I can. So the next big question is WHAT ARE WE HAVING?! We can't wait to find out, but unfortunately we'll have to. We could have had an ultrasound on the 12th of May, but we'll be living on the beach, and then the next week Mike is gone for his competition. So May 26th at 8:30 am is the exciting day. We'll keep you posted!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait!! I'm on pins & needles!

Amy said...

You look great, Christina! I can't wait to find out either!!