Thursday, January 22, 2009

Carter has his 6 month shots today! He was a super wiggle worm while we talked with the doctor, and he even squirmed when he was checking his ears. The doc said that he was acting more like an 8 or 9 month old because he knows his body and when you're invading his space and things. He said he wouldn't be surprised if he was walking by his 9 month appointment. We know that there will be some huge changes coming up in the next 6 months with Carter's growth and we're excited. Although, we must admit that he is at a perfect stage now, really active and fun, but not mobile yet. When that happens our whole world will turn upside down.

Here are Carter's stats:
15.3 pounds - 14%
27 inches long - 68%

He is a little "small" for his age, but that doctor said that there is nothing to worry about. Some babies are just more lean and tall, but he is eating and growing just fine. We also found out that his reaction to the soy formula was not uncommon, and the doc said we can probably feed him that without any problem or worries. He did give us some Enfamil Gentlease to try though so we are set on formula for awhile. Anyway, Carter is just growing up and becoming more and more fun each day. We love it!

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