Tuesday, December 16, 2008

We realized that we haven't told you that Carter can sit up all by himself! He started sitting up for a little while at the beginning of November, and now he is an absolute pro! We set him down all time and he just plays and plays without falling over. He is sitting up really early for babies, but we totally give credit to his Bumbo seat. It helped develop those muscles quickly and he just loves to be independent. The video of him sitting up is coming soon, in the meantime these are the best shots we have currently of his sweet skills.
Also, remember the Halloween contest last month? Well, Carter didn't win, even though he totally should of! Here are the supposed "winners" of the contest.

1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place (the only real cute one out of the 3)

Thanks to everyone who voted! We all know you truly was the winner! :-)

1 comment:

Leslie & Chris said...

He is so much cuter than those other kids who won!!!