We are just living the life with our family of five! Carter and Savannah bring us great joy each day, and we're so excited to have Sadie with us now. Mike stays busy being a perfect husband and dad, and Christina has slowed down her work load drastically to be with the kids. We are so blessed and are excited to share our memorable moments.
Every year we look forward to going to the Jenson Christmas Eve Party. This year it was held at Aunt Elaine's house. There is always way yummy food and lots of fun and joy as we get to see the extended family. Of course this was Carter's first party, and he was a little overwhelmed at first by the onslaught of people and loud kids, but he adjusted quickly.
The younger cousins did a fantastic job with the Christmas program. Acting out the birth of Christ has been a Jenson tradition for decades. We can't wait until Carter gets to participate next year.
After the play then we have a talent show. There is some amazing musical talents in this family! It's a fun experience for everyone to watch. Elaine's youngest boy, Skylar's talent was that he is a dare devil. Skylar was given 3 options, and out of the 3 he choose the worst - sticking his head in the toilet! Here are the pictures to prove that he is no chicken. :-)
Maybe when Carter is older he'll be crazy like Skylar, but for now we decided to get Carter in on the action early. So for his talent we had him show everyone how he could walk and sit up. Needless to say, everyone loved it. :-)
Then after all the talent has been performed Santa Claus comes to visit!!! Everyone, even the adults, get to sit on Santa's lap (poor guy) and tell them what they wanted for Christmas. Christina wanted a new crock pot (which got and then returned). Mike wanted snow goggles (which he got from his parents.) And Carter wanted new pajamas (which he got of course.) Carter didn't quite know what to think about the whole experience, but he handled it well. Next time he'll know exactly what to do since he'll be a year and a half! Crazy!
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