Tuesday, July 08, 2008

So today is the official due date of our baby boy, but sadly he has not come yet. :-( We've been so ready the last few days that it was kind of hard to hear that Christina hasn't really progressed at all. She still hasn't dilated and the baby hasn't dropped enough yet. Plus, she hasn't had very many contractions, especially painful or consistent ones. She is though about 80-85% effaced, so that is positive, but it may not be enough since everything else is so tight. So, the plan right now is to have a non-stress test for the baby on Thursday morning. Then on Monday Christina will be checked to see if her cervix is ready enough to be induced, and if it is not then she'll be put on a drip that night and then if all goes well she'll be induced next Tuesday. So, if all else fails naturally then we'll have our little boy next Tuesday, July 15th. We'd love to be induced this weekend, but the hospitals will not let first time mothers be induced any earlier than a week after their due date. Hopefully he'll just come on his own this weekend! We'll keep you updated! :-)


Amy said...

Those days AFTER my due date were the hardest. It's HARD to be patient for something so wonderful that has already taken 9 MONTHS. I feel for you!! But the wait is worth it. Just get in all the wonderful sleep you can right now. You look great, Christina!

jen said...

Good luck Christina!! I can't wait to see pics. of the baby!

Elder Caleb Habel said...

I agree with Amy, it may drive you crazy waiting for this baby to arrive, but really enjoy these last few precious moments before your world turns upside down. Sleep sister, sleep! Love ya and I am so glad we will get to meet this little boy soon.

lincolnHabels said...

We're praying for a healthy baby, delivery, and mommy. We're so exicited for you C&M!

Unknown said...

AAAHHHH!!! i forgot it was already! woohooo!!! don't forget to call... of course not immediately, but within the first month ;o)

Gatherums said...

Congratulations you two! We are both so happy for you and cant wait to see him! You are going to be awesome parents!