Thursday, January 23, 2014

Seven months old!

It seems like time has flown by when we look at our little Sadie Ann. She is small for her age at just over 14 pounds, but she definitely wants to keep up with the big kids. She just started crawling last Friday! She's not cruising yet but if there's something she wants then she'll get to it. She does this cute little hop with her legs to get going. She is saying "ma ma ma" and loves to make other noises with her mouth. She's not sleeping through the night yet, due to her size, but she is sleeping for longer periods so hopefully soon. She also loves all food! Anything she can get her gums on is free game. She's starting to pull herself up, but it kind of scares her each time. She does this straight leg pointy foot thing when we change her or she's having a bottle...maybe we've got a future dancer. :-) Savi has the cutest relationship with Sadie. Savi can make have deepest and longest laughs, and a lot of time with very little effort. We love to see them play together. Carter loves to hug and kiss her and is always saying, "She's so cute, I just can't handle it!" What a true statement.

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