Thursday, January 19, 2012

Silly Sav!

Carter is really starting to repeat things I say and sometimes I am like oh no, I have to stop sounding like that and other times it is cute. He loves to tell Savi no, no when she does something she shouldn't, but he also says "silly sav!" when she is being funny. Savannah loves to get into things she shouldn't and there are plenty of things in drawers like pens and permanent markers that she has sneakily found and used. She also is throwing quite a few tantrums for things so we ask her to ask nicely and the one pic is of her saying "please." They are both so much fun and are growing so fast. We are truly blessed!

1 comment:

Lorie S. said...

Good work having Savi say please. We are trying to get Andrew to say please and thank you without much luck.