Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Well, I already fell behind my goal...oh well, something sometime is better than nothing. :) Things are going pretty well for our little family. Savi just keeps getting cuter and cuter each day. She is really a strong girl and loves to play with toys. She is getting close to rolling over since she did it by accident in her crib twice. She smiles super huge a lot, but still won't give us laughs very often. We just gave her rice cereal for the first time and she seemed to really like it, but the last couple of times I've given it to her she makes kind of a gagging face like she doesn't like it, but she keeps opening her mouth for more so who knows!

She also figured out how to blog bubble adorable! (video didn't work, maybe it is too big so I'll have to try later)

Carter is still testing the waters when it comes to Savannah to see how much he can get away with, but what brother doesn't? He can really be super sweet to her and he tells her how much he misses her and loves her. He will share his toys with her occasionally, but he actually doesn't like her to play with her toys. He always is trying to take them away. We can't believe how much of a little boy he is turning into. He loves to help Mike with whatever he is doing and has spent many hours downstairs playing with real tools. There was one time that there was a wire from a flourescent light we had taken down and unplugged and Carter snipped the end of the cord off and brought it to Mike. Then he said "I being careful and holding handles." Yikes! :) He really is pretty responsible and is definitely learning how to handle tools at a young age, but we have to keep our eye on him!
Besides keeping busy with kids we are just waiting for our basement to be done. They are downstairs doing texture on the walls and ceiling now so we should be ready to paint everything next week, and then install carpet! It is so exciting. I'll post pictures soon.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Knowing that Carter is okay, I think it's hilarious he cut that cord!! What a smart kid! Savi is looking darling, too.

That's so exciting your basement is getting closer to being done!