Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Carter has recently started talking a lot more. Most things are still Ma!, even Mikey, but he's starting to babble a ton of other noises as well. He also has been imitating words with the sounds, i.e. how we say thank you or pop corn he'll do the same type of intonation. The video below is trying to catch him saying pop corn. You have to listen closely as it comes out pretty quick.

He also has said words that sound like bowl, sock, and up. He really is getting older, and it's fun to see him learn so quickly.

It's Dan Jenson's 29th b-day today!! We forgot our camera so this is one from a phone, but we hope that he had a great day. We met him for lunch at his favorite place, Fillet of Phillies. Then we were able to join for a family party at the parents house. We got him a cool remote controlled 350 Z car. It is the car that he's always wanted. It is also exactly 2 years since we told our families that we were expecting Carter. What a great day! :-)

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