Wednesday, April 15, 2009


It's been kind of crazy to think that just last Easter Christina was still pregnant with Carter, and now he is 9 months old! Wow, does time fly by or what?!

After church we took pictures and then went and found our Easter baskets. Christina found hers pretty quick, but Mike needed a few clues and about 10 minutes before he found his in the dishwasher...where he never looks! ;-) We got Carter this awesome toy and a couple clothes from Kid to Kid, (our favorite place now). Of course he doesn't understand why he got a gift on Easter, but he loved his new toy.

Well, this Easter was a little sad because Cheri got really sick and wasn't able to join us for Easter. So last minute everyone came over to our little 2 bedroom apartment for some yummy food and of course fun.

Then we went across the street to an abanonded elementary school that has this awesome hill which is perfect for the Jenson tradition of rolling/throwing eggs down the hill. Not sure how it started, but we can't pass up on tradition. Carter didn't care much for the eggs, but he enjoyed just being outside.


Amy said...

That's too bad about Cheri. Sounds like you all had fun though! I love reading your posts. It's fun to keep updated on you (and the rest of the family through you)! Carter is adorable and YES! Time really does fly!

Leslie & Chris said...

That sounds like a really fun Easter! You guys look so cute!