Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Carter is 7 months old today! He is growing up so fast that his birth feels like it was just yesterday. He is our curious george, and like most babies everything has to go into his mouth to see if it pasts the test. We've been trying to give him different foods to see if he likes them, and for fun Mike gave him an orange bell pepper. He absolutely loved it!! He just attacked it like he hadn't eaten for hours, and he wouldn't let it go. Orange bells kind of have a sweet flavor so his two little teeth were scraping away. Then he figured out how to bite a chunk off and we had to take it away, but it was priceless!

We also finally got him a high chair! The Bumbo has served it's purpose, but he has figured out how to push himself out of it so it's hard to feed him in it. We don't have much room in our apartment, so this seat is perfect. It is sturdy and easy to use and clean up. We would totally recommend it for anyone. Carter thought it was pretty cool, although he did realize that it is more restricting than his Bumbo.

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