Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Carter got his first hair cut! He was cute with his old man's hair when he was born, but it has slowly thinned out to just a patch in the back. It has really bugged Mike for awhile now, and on Sunday the couple behind us asked if we were growing him a mullet. That was the last straw so when Mike got his hair cut, so did Carter.
The Mullet
Our friend Kelly was the one to buzz his hair. (video to come) She watches him on Tuesdays so he totally knows and loves her. He did really good for his first time. He didn't even put up a fuss or anything as she buzzed away his patch. No, we didn't keep any of the little hairs. Maybe when he has a real first hair cut...Anyway, we love how his hair looks now, and it's actually really starting to grow in. It's becoming pretty fuzzy so when we take him out of the car seat or he wakes up from a nap we can't just smooth it back down.
Clean Cut Carter

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