Monday, May 19, 2008

We finally bought something for this little boy who will be here before we know it. Christina received a bonus so we went shopping for the baby! We found this antique white crib that we loved at Target, but the only one that had any in stock in the whole valley was down in American Fork. So we decided Friday night as we were out in the green machine that we would go and look at it. Fortunately we were able to find one in stock, but unfortunately Mike and I didn't even think about how we'd get the crib home. We were off by only 4 inches when we took the crib out of the box and tried to stuff it into the car piece by piece. So close! Not a huge deal though because Christina was going down to Provo the next day so she picked it up in the truck.
It was way simple to put together and it's really sturdy. Right when we were looking at a couple came up and told us how they bought the exact same crib and they absolutely loved it. It was really reassuring to know that we were getting a quality crib, and the best part was that it didn't break the bank!

It definitely fills up our little second bedroom, but it's fun to have something big for the baby. We know that you don't need a crib right away, but it's one of the coolest things to buy. We can't wait to see how our crib bedding that we are having made will look. Exciting times!


Unknown said...

love it! love it! love it!!!!

Leslie & Chris said... cute! I am so excited for you guys!