Monday, March 24, 2008

What a great Spring Break! As tradition we went down south to enjoy the warm sun and red rock. This trip consisted of going to the San Rafael Swells (close to Goblin Valley) and hiking Little Wild Horse canyon. We left Thursday and found a great camping spot. It was awesome because Cheri joined us for part of the trip. She was a trooper even though it was freezing at night, but it was great to have her with us.

The trip was even better this year because we were able to bring the Land Cruiser for the first time in years. Mike's brother Dan has put a lot of time and money into redoing the lift and suspension system, as well as new all-terrain tires. It was a great vehicle to have to go 4-wheeling and climb over everything!

Of course we brought the Tote Gote with us and it is always so much fun. This time Cheri did something that Christina won't even do and that is drive it all by herself. She said it was scary at first, but she loved it by the end. She went cruising all around camp and Mike couldn't even keep up with her. It's truly amazing what that little bike can get through.

We already know that our little boy is going to love camping, hiking, 4-wheeling, and cabin, especially after this trip. Christina did really well sleeping on the ground and hiking around, which is fun because we can still do the things that we love even though she's pregnant.

Even though we went over Easter weekend, the Easter Bunny did find us on Saturday morning. He planted 12 brightly colored plastic eggs filled with candy in the brushes across from our camp. Terry, Dan, and Andy had a great time finding them.

On Saturday we made it Little Wild Horse Canyon, but we couldn't believe how developed it had become. There were 3 parking lots filled with vehicles which kind of was sad for us since there were so many people. You hike partway through a canyon to get to Wild Horse and then it is just narrow. Only one person can fit through at a time and there were huge groups of 10-30 with tons of little kids that we had to keep waiting for. The boys even had to shimmy up the rocks to let people pass. It was pretty ridiculous so we didn't go in too far before we turned around.

Andy also found a little friend on the way that he called Gripton. He stayed with him for most of the hike.

King of the Rock!

Check out even more amazing pictures of our Spring Break by clicking here:

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