Friday, July 27, 2007

We had the best Pioneer Day weekend! We went down to Escalante with a group of friends. We left on Friday morning and didn't come back until Tuesday night. This was a first time for Christina down in Escalante.
This was our first camping trip without Mike's family so we decided that we needed to start our own camping gear. In preparation of this trip we bought a tent, tarp, self-inflating mattress, hatchet, and a water filter.
We camped in a paid campsite, which had showers and flushing toilet, but not the best camping ground. It rained quite a bit, and the girls had to end up digging trenches in an attempt to save the tents.

On Saturday morning we got to enjoy Escalante's Pioneer Day Parade! Luke's mom was given the very high honor of joining her extended family on their "float." Check out this decorating!
After doing some hikes we were able to end the night with some great fireworks! We literally sat right under them. It was awesome!

Our trip was filled with so many great hikes and waterholes! The water was icy cold which felt great after hiking a few miles to get there. Check out this pictures below, and then click on the web album link on the top right to see the whole trip! We can't wait to go back there again!

Upper falls (above) Slot Canyons (below)
Mike may have found an awesome walking stick, but it was no match for Chris's Moses Rod.

That last slot was fun, but way too easy. :-) Check out the climbs on this next canyon.
We may have come out with a few bumps and bruises (Leslie), but at least we came out in one piece. :-)

Our next stop was at Devil's Garden. It was awesome climbing around and Christina even got to show Mike how brave she is by going out on the arch.

Every hike we did was amazing, but we topped off our weekend with another hike to a water hole...the lower falls! The water was cold, but not as cold as the upper falls. Of course the boys were the first ones in!

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