Monday, January 22, 2007

What a great New Year! We have been thoroughly enjoying 2007. We began this year with an awesome snowmobiling trip with a bunch of friends. Christina drove the snowmobiles for the first time and it was a blast!

Mike tried out snowboarding and he did pretty well, but it is definitely an exhausting sport, especially when it is FREEZING cold outside. Christina kept pretty warm by wrapping a scarf around her face, so nothing was exposed to the chill to the bone wind.

Mike started another semester at the U and things are going pretty well. Every semester is a step closer to graduation, which is down to about 3 years now. We took advantage of his first break for Martin Luther King day by going to Nevada to visit Christina's sister Julie and her family in Ruby Valley. Playing with the cows, chicken, and horses was a ton of fun, and the kids were the cutest!

Ruby Valley was also FREEZING cold, but it was fun to have our own ice skating rink. Mike also showed off his juggling talent.

As always Mike won the love and respect of the nieces and nephews. His trick this time was the game called Minesweeper. :-)

And of course little Annamarie was the cutest of the them all!

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