Monday, August 25, 2008

Today is a sad, yet "happy" day because Mike started school again. The really only "happy" thing about that is that he's that much closer to finishing his bachelors in Mechanical Engineering. Hopefully this semester will go as well or even better than last semester. He is just now starting to really dive into his mechanical classes. This semester he is taking Mechatronics, Fluids, and Thermodynamics II. The summer went by fast as usual, but the time was fabulous. Especially since we were blessed with Carter. Here are some dang cute pictures of our baby boy that we took this month.

CARTER UPDATE - We think he is weighing in at about 10 pounds now and at least 23 inches long. He is pretty good at night, but he doesn't sleep all the way through yet. He wakes up about 3ish, 5ish, and 8ish, but he is usually pretty good about going back to sleep once he's fed. Mike has surprised Christina a few times and taken over the night feedings with the bottles that she pumps. It is the best present and show of affection.
First time in the grass. With his cousin Annamarie (We think you can totally tell they're related.) Snuggling with friend Dan.
He keeps changing the positions he likes to be in on us. This week for Mike it is belly side down over the arm with his face in Mike's hand, and for Christina he is snuggling pretty well as she cradles him close with a paci. He definitely keeps us on our toes, but we are loving every minute.
We've got some priceless videos of him. Maybe we can figure out how to post some of them. He really smiles a ton, but he still doesn't quite smile on demand if you try to make him. We went and got an ultrasound for his hips, and the doc said that his right one is completely normal, and the left is "normal for his age." Meaning that it is a little rounded, but it will more than likely sharpen up by three months. We'll just keep an eye on him and maybe have another ultrasound in October. Carter is healthy and as cute as can be.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Wow. He has changed a lot already. He is SO CUTE!! And he totally DOES look like his cousin!