Sunday, August 24, 2008

So it has been way too long since we've updated this blog. We promise to make up for it in the next couple of days. To start off we wanted to write about our last two Saturdays. Yesterday was a first for all three of us. We went fishing up at East Canyon with Bryan & Tracy.

We have never been there, but it 's a gorgeous drive and beautiful reservoir. It was very popular yesterday with tons of boats, which made fishing kind of annoying, but we really had a good time out in the sun. It was our real first time just enjoying the outdoors. Carter absolutely loved the sound of the waves. It kept him sleeping for a long time and then he was pretty content just hanging out the rest of the time.

Carter chilling and fishing with his Daddy.
This is Mike pretending to fish. Don't you like his form? :-)
We stayed for about 4 hours, and the guys tried power bait, worms, and some other stuff, but the fish weren't even biting. Christina was bored of just waiting around so she asked if she could just fish and reel it in, so Mike changed the fly. Then only after a few not so great casts Christina reeled in a fish!! It was a pretty good size crappie fish, but sadly it was the only one we caught for the day, but it was all worth it since it was so beautiful outside.

Last Saturday, the 16th, was also really fun and special because a family that Mike baptized in Taiwan came through Salt Lake so we were able to spend a few precious moments with them. They are actually living in California now, but it was their first time to Salt Lake.

We met them at Temple Square and then went for some yummy ice cream at Baskin Robbins. It was great to see them again. The kids have grown a ton in last 4-5 years, and they no speak English very well, especially since they've come to America.

They were extremely sweet to give all three of us presents. We thought Carter's present of the "Little Devil" outfit was the best! They said that the name fits since he is Mike's son. ;-) Hopefully, we will be able to see them again soon.

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