Friday, October 15, 2010

So the update is....we don't have our baby girl to hold tonight. :( After 8 hours on pitocin I didn't dilate at all, so truly she is not ready to come. We could have done a c-section, but making that decision would probably mean that the rest of our kids would have to come that way since that would be my second. To me that is a big decision, even though c-sections are not bad and I am sure the baby and I would come out of it healthy. We are going to give her until next Friday when I'll be 42 weeks and she will have to come out since the risks go up dramatically. Hopefully this next week will give her the time to come on her own, or that the pitocin will help next time, and if not then I know that I did all that I could. Thanks for all your prayers and support. We know that we will hold our little girl sometime...she is just already testing our patience. ;-)


jen said...

Oh Bummer. I'm sorry it didn't work for you. We'll keep you in our prayers, and hopefully she'll come before next Friday.

Emily S. said...

Kudos to you for having the emotional strength to choose to leave the hospital! I'm guessing she's already 100% girl.... she knows how to arrive casually late already!